The Breeds

An Overview

The Traditionalist Gamer is loyal to one system above the rest. His Metaform will show design from that game and that game only, and his acceptance in realms of similar make and design will be very distinct.

Examples Geekery Stat
D&Der, Vamp, GURPSer, Deadlander, Exalteder D10 in their Genre Realm or Start Realm

The Home Brew Player is the mix-and-match Gamer. His Metaform will have bits and pieces from any and all games he has played enough to like and understand. While never fully accepted in any one realm, the Home Brew Gamer is capable of blending and merging in any Genre, especially the Five Starts.

Examples Geekery Stat
Powergamer, Hack'n'Slasher, Explorer, Munchkin, Rules Lawyer D6 in any Realm, D8 in one 'prefered' Genre Realm

The Indie Gamer is a unique breed, never playing the same system twice. His role as performer and storyteller is balanced by his innovation and intuition. The Indie Gamer has no character sheet, and literally makes rules up as he goes from encounter to encounter. The only rule is that he can't use the same rule twice. Seen somewhere between Gypsies and Sages, the Indie Gamer is never in any one Genre long enough to establish a connection.

Examples Geekery Stat
No Set Styles No Set System

Where the Traditionalist is devout to a specific system and that system's setting, an Iconic Monk is devout to a specific Setting first and foremost. While their means of play might vary, especially with certain Iconic Realms having more than one system in their Game history, the will of the Iconic Monk is to be in harmony with the nature and culture of their prefered 'homeworld.'

Examples Geekery Stat
Jhedi Knight, RĂ¼nedain Ranger, a hacker that "Jacks In" to the Asterix of the Gamescape D10 in their 'homeworld'
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